10 of the Most Shared Funny Pictures
These are some of the most shareable pictures on Weird Nut Daily (4561-4570)
Man in watermelon helmet: So I work at Taco Bell, today I was having a rough day. Then this guy pulls up. Thank you random citizen for making my day much better.
Man holding picture of pegasus while he gets a really bad pegasus tattoo.
Pick-Up Truck with a lot of mud on it: Honked at a Prius, scared the shit out of it.
Bubble wrap around steering wheel: This is how you keep calm in traffic jams...
Human taking a bath with a clawing cat: He thought it would be an easier way to bath the cat, BAD IDEA.
Humans holding up cats to make human-cat faces.
British royal family in the famous Lion King shot of Simba being presented.
Two guys yelling at each other with megaphones: Arguing on the internet. Yeah, it's pretty much like this.
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