10 of the Most Shared Funny Pictures
These are some of the most shareable pictures on Weird Nut Daily (4551-4560)
Old woman lighting her cigarette off of her 100 years old birthday cake.
Guy kicking high and ripping his pants.
Shark swimming: Did you know? The ocean gets its' saltiness from the tears of misunderstood sharks who just want to cuddle.Jaws trying to eat someone: HUG ME!
Crazy looking cat: Is that catnip?
Show with soda bottle head.
Bird poop shaped like bird pooping.
Squirrel putting his hands up in the air: Nobody move! I dropped my nuts!
Two ice freezers and then a baby sitting next to them.
Drag queen with rainbow eyes and red lips.
Kid looking super freaked out with a donkey sticking its' head through the car window.
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