10 of the Top Political Pictures
These are some of the best pictures on Politicomments (761-770)
The difference between socialism and capitalism: Socialism is for Hippies, Capitalism is for REAL Americans
Paul Ryan: Silly Poor People, Help is for Banks!
Graph Showing Private-sector job rebound
Federal spending growth - Bush V. Obama
Ron Paul: Referst to MLK Holiday as "Hate White Day" Perfect Guy to Unite America
Attention Conservatives You know as well as I do that the recession began in 2007-2008, an entire year before the current president took office, under George W. Bush. Blaming Obama for ruining the economy is like trashing your apartment and then yelling at your roommate when he comes in and tries to clean the mess.
GOP politicians "Old White Males They know what's best for your uterus and vagina, stop being such an angry feminist nag. You're probably just PMSing anyway."
Who are the job creators? Democrats 23 years 42 million jobs. Republicans 28 years 24 million jobs
"You could move."... Abigail van Buren "Dear Abby" in response to a reader who complained that a gay couple was moving in across the street and wanted to know what he could do to improve the quality of the neighborhood.
Photos of GOP politicians and GOP populace "There aer two types of Republicans... the manipulators... and the manipulated.
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