10 of the Top Political Pictures
These are some of the best pictures on Politicomments (771-780)
This new machine from the GOP includes supersized realistic Rick Perry dongle!
How different groups see Obama
Newt Gingrich vs. Dwight Schrute - I see no difference
Mitt Romney loves firing people
If you repeat a lie often enough, you are a Republian
Jesus with gun, oil rigs "What would Republican Jesus do?"
GOP Senate man in boat (Ol' Federal Deficit) with fat crocodile (Tax Cuts for Wealthy) yelling at cat (jobless benefits) "Too mch weight! You! git off the boat!"
pledge.GOP.gov "A pledge to f*ck over America even more!"
Mitt Romney "Does he wear that weird underwear?"
Mitt Romney "Does he wear that weird underwear?
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