10 of the Most Shared Funny Pictures
These are some of the most shareable pictures on Weird Nut Daily (251-260)
Angry looking cat: I'm so stressed out over being stressed out that I can't even remember why I'm stressed out... and it's stressing me out!
Bear raising arm: Yeah, quick question about this second amendment... These "bear arms." Where are they coming from?
Two cats looking out door at raccoon: What is it? Must be a burglar, he's wearing a mask.
Justin Bieber with baggy bottom pants: I'm not getting in til someone changes me.
Three dogs rushing to get out of sliding door away from fart. Other dog: C'mmon guys, it doesn't smell that bad!
Dude... I tink dis was some bad catnip!
Dad pulling son into car/son grabbing desktop
Wednesday Adams: Don't make me flip my b*tch switch.
If robbers ever broke into my house and searched for money, I'd just laugh and search with them.
Man with the Batman symbol shaved into his hairy chest.
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