10 of the Most Shared Funny Pictures
These are some of the most shareable pictures on Weird Nut Daily (601-610)
Bathroom Rules: No eye contact while peeing, no talking, no running (unless you clog toilet), just cry if you have no toilet paper, no sounds.
Bathroom sign: No laughing at other people's farts.
Man bending down to create optical illusion that he is farting clouds.
Chinese car crumpled by German bike.
German Sheperd reading a book "How to Pick up B*tches"
Man surfing with dark masses in waves: please be dolphins, please be dolphins.
Edgar Allan Poe: I'm just a Poe boy & nobody loves me. Raven: He's just a Poe boy from a Poe family.
Bird enjoying a chocolate fountain.
Cat on top of post: Did you see the size of that mouse?
Weird Caterpillar and Donald Trump: Scientists have discovered a caterpillar that looks just like Donald Trump's hair.
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