10 of the Most Shared Funny Pictures
These are some of the most shareable pictures on Weird Nut Daily (721-730)
Puppy in pulled apart teddy bear: It's o.k. I'm not cold anymore.
Seagull sitting on "No Seagull Sign": Breaking the law like a boss.
Sunglasses with little blinds: Imagine a conversation with someone irritating or obnoxious. You are straightfacing and pull your little cord to shut your blinds, perfect.
Cat: I think you're pretty. Grumpy Cat: Thanks. Cat: Wish something between us. Grumpy Cat: Me too. Cat: Really? Grumpy Cat: A Wall.
Cat sitting on box: Do not ask why box barks, just mail it to south pole.
Camel "tattooed" on person's toe.
Gerbil that looks electrocuted: Why yes, I'm a bit stressed. Why do you ask?
Easter Island statues with their (bodies) underground: "Nice Day." "Yup."
Sign: The Hokey Pokey Clinic: A place to turn yourself around.
Man hanging out with a horse in a living room watching TV.
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