10 of the Most Shared Funny Pictures
These are some of the most shareable pictures on Weird Nut Daily (1151-1160)
Clock where the hands are a man's legs.
Cat looking at itself in the mirror: Carl, you're going to get out there and you're going to catch that red dot.
Baby dressed in suit and tie: My mom asked me for a "formal picture" of my one month old baby, I sent her this.
Superman dressed up in hello kitty gear.
Elf like tree house.
Cat with back turned inside box: I am currently not speaking to you.
Tiger nuzzling bear: I love you , maaan! Bear: You're drunk again, aren't you Larry?
Online game: Extreme CHORES!
Road Sign: Going to Jail Sale
Donkeys with hard hats on: Protect your *ss.
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