10 of the Most Shared Funny Pictures
These are some of the most shareable pictures on Weird Nut Daily (1711-1720)
Did you know your car has a mechanism to alert other drivers taht you are turning or switching lanes... use it!
Pie Chart of Reasons for Ending a Game of Monopoly: Somebody Won. Everyone Quit After 3 Hours. Somebody flipped the board over in a fit of rage.
Puppy peeing on laptop: Wikileaks - You're doing it wrong.
Man with huge great dane: No, no he doesn't bite, he eats.
Adult watching Sesame Street: That moment as a parent, when you realize your child has left the room... and you've just been sitting there alone, watching Sesame Street for the last 15 minutes.
Crazy tree house: If I had a dollar every time someone told me to grow up, I would build an awesome tree house.
Alligator blocking front door: Still better than Jehovah witnesses.
Car with tallies of what it has hit on the driver's door: Stay away from this guy.
Man doing push-ups while rolling out dough.
Cat watching a bird ride a bike: Oh, look dinner and a show.
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