10 of the Most Shared Funny Pictures
These are some of the most shareable pictures on Weird Nut Daily (1811-1820)
Car in swimming pool: Carpooling, you are doing it wrong.
Older man riding wooden horse being dragged by an older woman in a motor scooter.
Man bending over at bus stop with add woman "kicking" his but.
"hey" text sent to years ago. "Hey sorry I was busy" written in present day. "I sent that 2 years ago".
YMCA Questionnaire: How did you hear about the YMC - Village People.
Cat thinks he camouflaged, he's actually in plain sight.
Cat napping in casserole pan: Direction for making lasagna. Step 1: Remove cat from dish...
Dog playing in snow that looks like a tiny Chewbacca.
Pictures of minor inconveniences.
Extra long minivan made out of two minivans.
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