10 of the Most Shared Funny Pictures
These are some of the most shareable pictures on Weird Nut Daily (4241-4250)
Man holding sign: What do we want? Time travel. When do we want it? It's irrelevant!
A chart a stone in different conditions and obvious forecast it tells.
Welcome to Cornwall, When it's hot please dress for the body you have, not the body you want, thanks.
Sweat stained exercise shorts: Have you ever exercised so damn hard... That your ass signals Batman for help?
Light switch panel, top half "Luke", bottom half "Vader".
One finger looking cut off, two fingers freaking out, one finger "calling" 911.
Two crazy looking dogs in the water with bright colored ball: What is it? I don't know Larry, but it's beautiful!
Lighthouse, seagull looking crazy: MINE
Toddler: Dude, give me your keys. Drunk toddler: Nah, bro. I'm good to drive.
Girl holding up strangely ginormous Funyun.
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