10 of the Top Political Pictures
These are some of the best pictures on Politicomments (161-170)
Worst is political illiterate, hears/sees nothing, no part in political life. Doesn't know cost of living depends on political decisions. Prides himself on ignorance. etc.
They want the government to spend more on science.. that is the last think the SCIENCE committee is going to do. - Rep. Lemar Smith (R-Texas) Chairman of House Science Committee
Fracking is not safe: 410,000 lbs. of chemicals used per well: 33% cause Cancer, 41% Endocrine Disruption, 58% Immune Suppression, 43% Genetic Mutation, 34% Reproductive Problems. It's shown well casings fail.
The same political party that tries to take away Voting/Civil/Human/Religious/Social and Constitutional Rights encourages people to take up arms in the fear that "government" is taking away our rights.
Vote Out the Party of Stupid - Eric Cantor will propose Federal Law that ends overtime pay for hourly workers.
Since minimum wage is good enough for America... Demand that congress makes minimum wage until unemployment rate is below 4%.
Republicans don't care about the deficit. They care about exploiting the deficit to pursue their goal of dismantling the social insurance system. The WANT/NEED/ENJOY a fiscal crisis. - Paul Krugman
Graph of Florida drug testing restults: 98% passed drug test, cost $178 Million. 2% failed drug test, state savings: $60,000.
I am an Ally: Not gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, pansexual, intersex, or asexual. I support this crazy thought that everyone should have equal rights.
Ignorance is the simple greatest tool of oppression.
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