10 of the Top Political Pictures
These are some of the best pictures on Politicomments (191-200)
Smokey the Bear: No Fracking, Only you can prevent faucet fires. Artwork by Lmnopi | Facebook | Online Store
Man holding sign at protest: War is Immoral, Gays are Fabulous
Guns don't shoot people. By a strange coincidence, people without guns are very unlikely to shoot anyone either.
Obama pointing: That's totally going to be a meme tomorrow.
Marco Rubio. I don't always drink water but when I do I make sure it looks really awkward on National TV... Stay thirsty my friends.
Cruise Ship: 4,200 Americans lacked access to toilets for 5 days. Meanwhile in real news 2,500,000,000 people world wide lack basic sanitation everyday.
Snow jammed highway: Everyone's a small government conservative until their state is buried under 2 feet of snow.
Photo of lesbian couple being married: That special moment when FoxNews.com uses photo of lesbian couople to promote "traditional marriage".
John Boehner as Grumpy cat at the State of the Union.
Photos of the 22 Republican men who voted against the Violence Against Women Act.
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