10 of the Top Political Pictures
These are some of the best pictures on Politicomments (231-240)
Annoy a Republican, Use Facts and Logic.
I voted Repubican and all I lost was my job, my health care, my student loan, my unemployment, but my millionaire banker and doctor both got tax cuts and my 15 year old sister had to drop out of school to have her rapist's baby.
Use the buddy system! If you're not able to stop yourself from raping people, stay with a friend while in public!
Rand Paul would have fired Hillary Clinton... he had two malpractice suits in 15 years of being an ophthalmologist. Dude, you are barely qualified to check her eyes.
Senator Kerry: Were you at the hearing?Senator Johnson: NOKerry: Well, there was a briefing... those of us who went to it..."Republicans - can't be bothered to shop up, then not entitled to your own fantasy of version of events.
List of deaths at embassies and consulates under Republicans totaling 31 deaths and 9 injured. Benghazi under Obama, 4 killed. Republicans become outraged and concerned with safety and security of Americans abroad only in 2012.
4 years ago, Republicans agreed to block every attempt by Obama to repair the economy. Today Republicans are complaining the President isn't being nice to them. Clean House 2014.
Republicans stand for raw, unbridled evil and greed and ignorance smothered in balloons and ribbons. - Frank Zappa
Who asked for free health care? I want MY gov't to spend MY taxes on MY health.
Rand Paul: Had I been President at the time I would've fired you.Hillary Clinton (laughing): If...you...had...been...WHAT?
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