10 of the Top Political Pictures
These are some of the best pictures on Politicomments (251-260)
Graph showing the correlation between high rates of gun ownership and high rates of gun deaths versus low rates of gun ownership and low rates of gun deaths.
I'm going tell people that the President is going to take away our math and science books. Maybe the same folks hoarding guns and ammo will buy these too.
Nelson Mandela: A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.
Willy Wonka: Oh, we can't pass gun laws because it treads on your liberty? Tell me more about how we must regulate marriage and vaginas.
Hillary 2016, Michelle 2024, Chelsea 2032, Malia 2040, Sasha 2048
Bear looking over wall: The beginning of dissent, the day you realize freedom is more precious than honey.
Ronald Reagan supported a ban on assault weapons. Antonin Scalia ruled that it is constitutional. Remind us how this is about Obama, freedom & the 2nd Amendment?
Conservapedia... the ability to make anything liberal "claptrap"... where intelligence goes to die.
Politicians are like sperm. One in a million turn out to be an actual human being.
Next time someone tells you, welfare is bad for the economy, show them this. If they say it again, they'll know they're lying. Biggest spenders on welfare and most competitive capitalist economies are the same countries.
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