10 of the Top Political Pictures
These are some of the best pictures on Politicomments (401-410)
Injustice Facts: 1500 newspapers, 1100 magazines, 9000 radio stations, 1500 TV stations, 2400 publishers owned by only 3 corporations.
Jack Nicholson: Republicans and Democrats have destroyed this country; yet, voting for a third party is a bad idea. Yeah... I can see what kind of fucking sense that makes.
TV head: Avoid confusion in a consumers mind. Kill your television, it trains ignorance.
Union workers fixing storm damage: Union Thug Freeloaders. They're no f'in good until it's time for them to save your ass!
Military man flying helicopter: If I can vote out here, what's stopping you!? We're defending your rights, Exercise them!
Homophobic preachers blame hurricane on gays? Wonder who they're saying is responsible for FABULOUS weather in California.
Flooded Buildings: While we were arguing whether or not climate change was real. CLIMATE CHANGED
Every drug that has been recalled by the FDA... was first proven to be "safe and effective" by the FDA
Tina Fey: If I have to listen to one more grey-faced man with a $2 haircut explain to me what rape is, I'm going to lose my mind.
You can't absolve yourself of bigotry of voting for Romney but disagreeing with him on issues of homophobia. You are compliant.
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