10 of the Top Political Pictures
These are some of the best pictures on Politicomments (551-560)
For your protection give all books to your local fireman for safe disposal!
Sick Leave, Child Labor Laws, Weekends, Safer Working Conditions... Unions built that.
Black and white photos of celebrities w/ FBI files
Legislators want teachers paid according to their effectiveness, let's pay legislators by the same guidelines.
Businessmen as President lead to financial disaster
Stephen Colbert: Unionized cafeteria workers are killing America, must be stopped. Killing small towns, with demands for livable wages & accessible fire exits gut our economy.
Military funeral, Corporations don't die in wars, they flourish!
Plutarch: When money began to play a part in elections, this corruption spread to the law, army and the republic went to the rule of emperors.
Family: Thanks, Jesus, for this food.Mexican Farmer: de nada.
Republicans: We Built ItNative Americans: Oh Really?Republicans: YeahEnslaved People: You Sure?
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