10 of the Top Political Pictures
These are some of the best pictures on Politicomments (591-600)
GOP Announces Convention Theme: "We Built This"In stadium built with 62% Government Funds
Clint Eastwood: Has debate with imaginary Obama... Loses
Bush wiped out a $5.6 trillion surplus in two years and the national debt hit $10 trillion on his watch. Remember how right-wingers screamed about that? No? That's because they didn't.
Hillary Clinton texting: Is he still talking to the chair?
The Republican Convention can shut down a "legitimate" hurricane
Public Vs. Private Sector Monthly Net Job Growth Jan 2008-June2011
So what is better for the economy?
It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. - Mark Twain
Mitt Romney said he'll cut off funding for PBS if he beomes president, killing Sesame Street. He would, however, keep building lots and lots of bombs.
3 Justices will turn 80 during the next 4 years. Don't let Romney win.
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