10 of the Top Political Pictures
These are some of the best pictures on Politicomments (611-620)
The government could fix everything that's wrong with the country if they'd simply read my Facebook updates.
Paul Ryan, I only hear the whispers of the rich, but never the cries of the poor.
Howard Zinn: How can you have a war on terrorism when war itself is terrorism?
Mitt Romney: I am not a crook! I have nothing to hide (except my tax records).
We want great leaders who love the people enough to respect the people - Dr. Cornel West
Mitt Romney: Tax Evasion for Dummies
Big fish chasing little fish, little fish chasing big fish: Don't Panic, Organize!
Old Movie Poster: Invasion of the Liberal Women
1. Obamacare2. Mittdoesnotcare3. Ryanreallyfreakindoesnotcare
Todd Akin's quote on "legitimate rape"... Is there no such thing as too stupid for the Tea Party?
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