10 of the Top Political Pictures
These are some of the best pictures on Politicomments (621-630)
Romney's tax issues and campaign contributions
Rep. Todd Akin "legitimate rape"
Photos of famous anarchists "Basically, just a bunch of edgy teenagers"
American Exceptionalism: At the top of every bad list
Will support Chick-Fil-A for being anti-Gay while using Gay friendly products
Paul Ryan would cut Pell Grant scholarships for nearly 10 million students and give tax cuts to the wealthy.
President Obama has put up with an incredible amount of rudeness. When did we become a nation that doesn't have the decency to be polite.
Unborn babies must be born. Hungry poor children never should have been born.
Romney: I believe in an American where millions of Americans believe in an American that's the American millions of Americans believe in.
Ana Kasparian: If you vote for a Republican, and you have a vagina, you are a moron.
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