10 of the Most Shared Funny Pictures
These are some of the most shareable pictures on Weird Nut Daily (1511-1520)
Cat: When I do a cute pose, I stop doing it right after you get your camera ready
Horizontal & Vertical stripes make plaid baby
Dog Shaming x2: I poop in dark bedrooms... and I eat the evidence
Skyscrapers side by side: Which one of the two building closest to the Photographer???
You are the result of 4 billion years of evolutionary success. Act like it.
Owl with towel on its head and cucumbers on its eyes.
Princess Leia kissing Han Solo: The moment you realize that the last person your girlfriend kissed was Jabba the Hutt.
Van with top torn off from "Safe Removals" company.
Llamas on life boat with sinking cruise ship behind them: I will not apologize for art.
House perched on top of big building: Go home house, you are drunk.
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