10 of the Most Shared Funny Pictures
These are some of the most shareable pictures on Weird Nut Daily (4471-4480)
Owl looking sideways: I tried to see things your way. You're still an idiot.
If you're rich, good looking & single I'm home.
Door Hook: Drunk Octopus wants to fight you.
Ice cube lifting weights while looking at picture of Titanic hitting iceberg: If you can dream it, you can achieve it.
Horse with puffy hoof hair: Dude, check it! My ol' bell-bottoms still fit!
Car parked in snowstorm with sunroof open: Ever feel like you forgot to do something important?
Dog with rollers in its' fur: I'm going to Walmart, need anything?
Man balancing on yoga ball while lifting weights: This is why emergency rooms exist.
Destroyed door and dog: There was a spider it's gone now.
Cup & Bottle of Wine: An entire bottle of wine can fit in a Starbucks Trenta cup, just saying.
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